
Healing Words Productions is the video production arm of the Foundation. 

The Time We Have is a feature-length documentary that chronicles the last year in the life of Caitlin Dolaghan, a young woman who spent five years battling osteosarcoma, a rare bone cancer. She is told by her doctors that the cancer has spread to her lungs and that further treatments would do little to prolong her life. Against all odds, Caitlin lives a full year beyond her prognosis. Through her last year she and her family turn to writing poetry in an effort to express and understand their pain: as one physician puts it, they learn to “speak the unspeakable.” Finding words for the unspeakable helps the Dolaghans cope with their ordeal and to embrace moments of hilarity and joy.

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Healing Words: Poetry & Medicine

Filmed at a large teaching hospital in Florida, Healing Words: Poetry & Medicine tells the stories of patients whose lives have been dramatically changed as a result of Dr. John Graham-Pole and poetry therapist John Fox’s incorporation of poetry into their recovery process. At a time when Americans have grown cynical about health care costs, impersonal treatment and the intrusion of corporate self-interest in the doctor-patient relationship, this film affirms that art can build compassion between doctor and patient and facilitate healing among the most critically ill.